College of
The College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan offers a number of longstanding and new certificate and graduate programs to help educators and aspiring educators deepen their knowledge in a chosen area.
Many of our programs and courses are delivered online in flexible ways that are designed to support busy schedules, and respond to changing educational needs and community demographics.
Our faculty are national leaders in Indigenous education, curriculum design and educational technology, special education and educational administration.
Graduate programs

Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership
This professional doctorate equips educators with the insight, tools and wisdom to impact lives and create thriving communities.

Master of Indigenous Land-Based Education
This program provides educators with a knowledge base in Indigenous pedagogy, restoring connections to the land that have been severed through colonization. It includes intensive field institutes in Hawaii, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and Saskatchewan where students take graduate level courses framed within an Indigenous paradigm and taught primarily by Indigenous faculty.

Master’s and Certificate Program in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is a growing area of study devoted to conducting educational research within and across academic disciplines and sharing the results publicly.
The Master of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (MSoTL) is the first degree of its kind in Canada dedicated to preparing SoTL professionals. Graduates will have a strong grasp of the research methods and tools for conducting SoTL research and how to adapt these across disciplinary contexts and learning environments.
The Certificate in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning provides a strong introduction and training in SoTL and can be used to ladder into the MSoTL program. Both programs are offered through the new Jane and Ron Graham Centre for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Master of Education in Curriculum Studies
This program addresses the relationship between practice and theory in curriculum research, design, implementation, evaluation, and leadership, as well as expertise in educational technology and communication. It is designed for teachers across a variety of sectors (K-12, post-secondary and informal education).

Master's and PhD in Educational Administration
Explore problem- and inquiry-driven understandings of educational issues in the administration and leadership of organizations, communities and government. Both course- and thesis-based MEd program routes are available, as well as PhD.

Master of Education in Educational Technology and Design (ETAD)
ETAD faculty and instructors are Canadian leaders in research and approaches focused on the social, professional and pedagogical influences of technology in learning. This MEd program is completely online and offers flexible part-time and full-time options. Enroll today and expand your skills and ability to thrive in an online teaching and learning environment.

Master of Education in Educational Foundations
Educational Foundations is an integrated program that explores the critical study of educational issues aimed at advancing the study of social and ecological justice in education. Graduates students undertake research and course-work in a diverse range of areas, including the interdisciplinary study of Indigenous education, anti-racist and anti-oppressive education, and sexual orientation and gender study.

Master of Education in Educational Psychology and Special Education
This research-intensive program is designed to prepare practitioners and researchers with specialization in either Special Education or Measurement and Evaluation, and offers both thesis and course-based routes. Program graduates in the special education stream are prepared to assume leadership or consultative positions in school divisions, government agencies, businesses or post-secondary institutions. Program graduates in the Measurement and Evaluation stream may obtain employment as data analysts, research scientists, test developers, research consultants, classroom and large-scale assessment specialists, certification and credentialing professionals, and psychometricians at research and testing organizations.

Master of Education in School and Counselling Psychology
This program integrates research and practice and is unique across Canada in providing training in both school psychology and counselling psychology. Students can only enroll in a thesis-based route. The program prepares future counsellors and psychologists who provide direct (assessment, intervention) and indirect (consultative, collaborative, advocacy) psychological services across the age span (i.e., children, youth, young adults, their families, school personnel, and the community) working as members of interdisciplinary teams in various academic, research, school, mental health, government, community agency, and private practice settings.

Cross-departmental PhD
This thesis-based research degree trains graduates with goals of conducting education research for government, school divisions, First Nations and other research organizations. The program delivery is intended to be flexible with specific program requirements decided by the student's advisory committee.
Master's and Certificates in Health Professionals Education
These online programs are intended for health professionals training students in clinical and classroom settings. The MEd is designed to allow students to continue working full-time while pursuing course work and allows greater flexibility through the delivery of two certificate programs that can be laddered into a master's degree. The courses develop teaching skills and curriculum design expertise and better prepare health specialists for educational leadership roles.
Certificate programs

Post-Degree Certificate in English as an Additional Language (PDCEAL)
The Post-Degree Certificate in English as an Additional Language Education is the only certificate program of its kind in Canada intended for practicing K-12 teachers.
Offered by the Department of Curriculum Studies, this online program is tailored to meet the learning and academic needs of K-12 teachers and those in related professions who are seeking specialized knowledge and professional certification in the area of EAL education.

Indigenous Languages Certificate (Cree)
This certificate was designed to reverse the trend in the erosion of Indigenous languages as called for by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Our certificate immerses students in Cree language instruction and pedagogy to enable graduates to teach the language in Saskatchewan settings.