Canadian Light Source Synchrotron

Our campus is home to the only synchrotron in Canada, and one of the most advanced in the world. Researchers from a myriad of disciplines use the synchrotron to enhance the quality of their work, exploring everything from how to better recover from strokes to optimizing fertilizer content for farmers.

Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation

The centre is new but the history of nuclear innovation at USask is well known— our researchers were the first to treat a cancer patient using cobalt-60 radiation therapy. The Sylvia Fedoruk Centre supports nuclear research, development and training, and will supply radioisotopes to detect and treat diseases such as cancer.


The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) is one of the largest vaccine research and teaching facilities in the world. Researchers are studying a full range of infectious diseases in both humans and animals, and are working to develop new vaccines and methods of delivery against these illnesses.

Global Institute for Food Security

As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the demand for safe, reliable food. The Global Institute for Food Security is a partnership between government, private business and USask, and is working to find solutions to this global challenge.

Global Institute for Water Security

The Global Institute for Water Security supports the sustainable use of the world’s water resources and protection against natural hazards like flood and drought. Alongside the institute’s Canada Excellence Research Chair, faculty members, researchers and students develop tools to manage one of our most important resources.

Health Sciences Building

The unique nature of this facility creates a new standard for interprofessional health education, research and practice. Our students, faculty and researchers from our full range of health science colleges and schools work, study and learn across disciplines, better reflecting real-life practice.