
One admission intake is done per year for the cross-departmental Ph.D. in Education. Applicants must apply by November 30th to be considered. The program start date is in September. 

International Students - Review federal international study permit policies before you apply. We do not anticipate that the implementation of the PAL process will limit graduate enrollment at USask.

ProgramExpected LengthProject and/or thesisCourse based
Ph.D.4 years

The Departments of Curriculum Studies, Educational Foundations, and Educational Psychology and Special Education support doctoral studies through the cross-departmental Ph.D. in Education.

The cross-departmental Ph.D. is a thesis-based research degree and graduates from this program may have goals of obtaining academic positions at other institutions and conducting education research for government, school divisions, First Nations and other research organizations. The program delivery is intended to be flexible with decisions on program delivery and specific program requirements decided by the student’s advisory committee. Students will be trained in educational research and have support from an advisory committee whose regular members draw expertise from Curriculum Studies (curriculum innovation, early childhood education, English as an additional language, and educational technology and design), Educational Foundations (social and ecological justice education, Indigenous Education), Educational Psychology and Special Education (including applied measurement and program evaluation, special education, and school-based assessment).

The cross-departmental Ph.D. program consists of a minimum of 15 credit units (nine required credit units focused on research methodology, plus six required credit units that support the student’s specific area of research). Students may also take up to six credit units of coursework through another Western Canadian university after a term of study, if these courses are approved as part of their official program of studies.

Research supervisors

We recommend that you contact the department graduate chair for the area that interests you or the Research and Graduate Programs Assistant before beginning a formal application.

Name Research areas
Teacher education, Secondary school English language arts, Aboriginal education, Decolonization, Transformative education, Service learning
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
Early Career Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Mid-Career Faculty, SoTL Leadership, SoTL programming, Academic Integrity
Learning theory, technology-enhanced learning, instructional design, mobile learning, and makerspaces
Ecological Literacy, Eco-justice Education, Environmental Education, Arts-Informed Research, and Poetic Inquiry
Mentorship, history of education, history of teacher education
AR, VR, XR, AI education, digital literacy, game-based learning, online learning, virtual reality, instructional design, digital well-being, sustainability
Meeting diverse needs individuals varied language/literacy/learning abilities (professional knowledge/early intervention/safe/enabling environments).
Pedagogies; early childhood education; teacher professional learning
Ethics and Responsibility, Theory & Practice in Science Education, Intersections of 'place, nature, and education', Pre-service Teacher Education.
Instructional design, distance and e-learning, educational technology, non-formal and informal online learning environments
Statistical modelling in Social and Behavioral sciences, Psychometrics, Large scale assessment, Technology and Educational measurement
Teacher education, curriculum studies, mathematics education, teacher & children knowledge of school, narrative inquiry, and more
Substance use, program evaluation, resilient children and youth, child and youth psychopathology, e-learning
Globalization, political economy and language education, Language, culture & identity, Ethnography Transnationalism & migration, pedagogy, Ethnography
Epistemologies, Cross-culturality, Multi-culturalism, Inuit World views, Gender relations, Resilience and Aboriginal peoples
Indigenous knowledge, Cree cosmology, Indigenous and Cross-Cultural research methodologies, Queering Education, Two-spirit identity, and more
Technology skill development, media literacy, program evaluation, social agency in teaching /learning, experiential learning, design studio learning

Tuition and funding


In your application, you should identify your financial status and state if attendance is contingent on receiving financial aid. Students are supported in applying for university funding after acceptance through a limited number of Dean’s Scholarships, non-devolved scholarships, research fellowships, teaching assistantships and research funding. You are encouraged to investigate all options for funding.

Graduate students at USask can receive funding from a variety of sources to support their graduate education.


Doctoral program

Doctoral students pay tuition three times a year for as long as they are enrolled in their program. Both international and domestic Ph.D. students pay the same rate.

January 1 - April 30, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD
May 1 - August 31, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD
September 1 - December 31, 2024 $1,726.00 CAD
Total per academic year $5,178.00 CAD

Student fees

In addition to tuition above, students also pay fees for programs like health and dental insurance, a bus pass, and other campus services. The amount you need to pay depends on if you are taking classes full time or part time, and if you are on campus or not. The table below assumes you are on campus full-time.

Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
Student fees $504.45 CAD $666.08 CAD $35.00 CAD $35.00 CAD

Tuition information is accurate for the current academic year and does not include student fees. For detailed tuition and fees information, visit the official tuition website.

Admission requirements

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

  • Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.) or equivalent from a recognized college or university
  • A cumulative weighted average of at least a 75% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (e.g. 60 credit units)

Application process

Submit an online application

Before beginning your online application, be sure that you have carefully reviewed all program information and admission requirements on this page.

During the application, you'll be asked for:

  • Personal information such as your name, address, etc.
  • Contact information of your three referees
    • For your letters of recommendation, two of your referees must be academic contacts, and the third may be academic or professional
  • Your complete academic history from all previous post-secondary institutions

The application takes about 30 minutes to complete. You may save your application and return to it later.

At the end of the application, you will need to pay a non-refundable $120 application fee. Your application will not be processed until payment is received.

Submit required documents

Once you've submitted your online application, you will have access to upload your required documents, and provide the contact information for your references. To do this, go to the "Supplemental Items & Documents" tab in your application, and upload the documents outlined below.

Preliminary Statement of Marks

  • Once you have submitted your application for admission and paid the application fee, you will be required to upload unofficial PDF copies of your academic transcript(s) from each post-secondary institution attended. This requirement will appear as Preliminary Statement of Marks or Additional Prelim. Statement under admission requirements on your Application Summary when you check your application status.
  • The uploaded transcript can be an unofficial copy of the transcript issued by the university or college, and must include a grading key/legend.
  • All pages of a transcript must be uploaded as a single PDF document.
  • Uploaded transcripts will be considered unofficial or preliminary. Official copies of your transcripts will be required only for applicants offered admission. This requirement will appear as Post-secondary Transcript under admission requirements on your Application Summary when you check your application status.

Uploading documents

Post-secondary Transcripts

If you receive an offer of admission, you will then be required to have your official post-secondary transcripts sent (by mail in a sealed envelope directly from the institution) to the address below. Please do not send official documents until we request them.

College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Room 116 Thorvaldson Building, 110 Science Place 
Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7N 5C9

  • Transcripts usually indicate the institution’s name, grading scheme (typically on back of transcript), your name, course names, numbers, credits, and the grades you have received. Depending on the country or institution, some features may not be available.
  • Transcripts in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified translation.
  • If you are a current University of Saskatchewan student completing your undergraduate program then a letter of completion of degree requirements will be required from your college.

Proof of English language proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.

For students who are required to provide proof of English proficiency:

  • It is your responsibility to have completed an official and approved test with the appropriate score before the application deadline.
  • Tests are valid for 24 months after the testing date and must be valid at the beginning of the student's first term of registration in the graduate program.
  • Applicants will be required to upload a PDF copy of any required language test score. Uploaded test scores will be considered unofficial or preliminary.

Uploading documents

If you receive an Offer of Admission you may be required to have your official language test scores sent to the address below. Please do not send official documents until we request them.

College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Room 116 Thorvaldson Building - 110 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7N 5C9

In addition to the above official documents, please upload the following to yoour application:

  • A statement/letter of intent formatted as a business letter. In a 600 to 800 word letter addressed to the Graduate Chair, College of Education:
    • Outline your area of research interest and identify faculty in the College of Education who you see as having similar areas of research.
    • Describe how your professional and academic background prepares you for the program of study you wish to undertake. We invite you to provide a brief description of your last degree requirements and your motivation for the research you intend to investigate.
    • Indicate a proposed timeline for your study. While the Ph.D. program is a full-time graduate program which can be completed in three to four years of full time study, we appreciate that some individuals may have special circumstances i.e. a need to balance professional commitments and school, or may require online and distance learning options.
  • A two-page (maximum) Research Statement with bibliography and citations. Your outline should include a research question and provide context, objectives and the methodology for your research. Please describe your intended contribution to the advancement of knowledge in your research area.
  • A curriculum vitae or resume. Presentations, publications, academic or professional awards can be listed or presented on a separate page.


Room 3048, College of Education
28 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X1

Research and Graduate Programs Assistant