Please be advised that a graduate degree from the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Saskatchewan does not lead to a qualification for licensure for teaching in Saskatchewan or Canada in our K-12 schools (this license is earned as part of the Bachelors of Education).


All applications and supporting documentation must be received by the deadline date. After that date, we will review the completed applications, but not before.

International student deadlines

  • MEd program: January 15 for September start dates
  • PhD program: PhD cohorts start September (Fall) term annually. Applications open 1 year in advance September 20 and must be completed by November 30.

Domestic student deadlines

MEd program

  • April 30 for September start dates
  • September 1 for all January start dates
  • January 1 for all Spring and Summer Session start dates

PhD program

Next intake is for September 2025 start date; application will open Sept. 18, 2024. Applications must be completed by Nov. 30, 2024.


International Students - Review federal international study permit policies before you apply. We do not anticipate that the implementation of the PAL process will limit graduate enrollment at USask.

ProgramExpected LengthProject and/or thesisCourse based
M.Ed.2 years
Ph.D.4 years

The central objective of the Master of Education in Educational Administration is to provide a problem- and inquiry-driven environment through enriched practical, research-based, and theoretical understandings of educational issues in the administration and leadership of organizations, communities, and government. The department is actively involved in research relating to:

  • educational leadership
  • rural education
  • school effectiveness
  • leadership in post-secondary education

Course-based MEd

The course-based program offers students the opportunity to pursue depth of understanding in areas of personal concern where in-person courses are scheduled to facilitate part-time study while students maintain their employment in schools, as well as full-time options available for those seeking that enrollment. Recently, more than 100 students have been provided the opportunity to engage in graduate education in their own communities (including one First Nation), with their own school-division colleague cohorts, and tailored to the specific needs of their school communities.

Thesis-based MEd and PhD

Research is central in this program. A culminating objective is for Thesis Program students to conduct and defend an original piece of research.

Program objectives are achieved through accessibility to experiences that facilitate academic attainment within program coursework and the successful completion of a research project resulting in the production of a thesis. Required coursework for all students includes a mixture of theoretical and practical content. In addition, objectives are achieved through the following programmatic and extra-curricular opportunities: rigorous coursework, research assistance in Tri-Agency and other funded research projects, experiential learning through laboratory and international study, conference participation, co-authorship and presentation, and seminar leadership.

Local and International student engagement

In alignment with the local and international student engagement efforts of the University of Saskatchewan, the Department of Educational Administration is pleased to provide an overview of our programming and specific information of interest to many potential and active Indigenous graduate students (in Plains Cree) and international graduate students from China and Brazil.

okiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicikêwikamik êkota kihcikiskinwahamâtowikamikohk

anima kihcikiskinwahamâtowikamik astêw ôta nikotwâsik tipahamâtowin askîy, êkota sisonê apihtâ-kîsikanohk Saskatchewan sîpîyihk saskatôminahtikohk. ka pimipayitâcik okiskinwahamâkêwin ê kî mâcipayihk 1964, mêkwâc mitâtaht atoskêwak êkota, êkwa ê ayâcik kâ mâci misayinêk graduate program êkota kihcikiskinwahamâtowikamikohk. êkospî 2012, anima Program Review Committee ê miskahkik anihi graduate programs êkota ka pimipayitacik okiskinwahamâkêwin pêyakwan atoskêwinihk, scholarship, êkwa kîsihtâwin tâskoc kotakwa programs êkotî kihcikiskinwahamâtowikamik London êkwa Cambridge kihcikiskinwahamâtowikamik. 

ka pimipayitâcik okiskinwahamâkêwin graduate programs anihi ê osihcikâtêki osci okiskinwahamâkêwak, okimâw okiskinwahamâkêwak, okiskinwahamâkêw pimipayicikêwak êkwa kihcikiskinwahamâtowikamikwa opimipahicikêwak êkwa Ministry of Education atoskêwîyiniwak. êyakwa pimipayihcikêwikamik ka kiskinwahamâkêcik, nitonikêcik, êkwa kiskêhtamowin apacihtawak mâmawi atoskêwin manitonêhcikan, kiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicêwin, onîkânêwin manitonêhcikan, îyiniw kiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicikêwin, pîtos ayisîniw pimipayicikêwin, kiskinwahamâkêwin sôniyâw pimipayicikêwin, kiskinwahamâkêwin itasowâcikêwin, êkwa kiskinwahamâkêwin nitonikêwin. akayâsîmowin pokwêta apacihcikatêw. 

okiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicikêwikamik nisto graduate degree programs mîyiwak okiskinwahamâkanak êkota saskatôminahtikohk kiskinwahamâtowikamikohk: Master’s of Education (atoskêwin kiskinwahamâsowin), Master’s of Education (masinahikêwin), êkwa Doctor of Philosophy (masinahikêwin). kahkiyaw programs mâcipayinwa takwâkîpîsimi tahtwâ askîy. poko ka kahtinamihk masinahikêwina pwâmiyisk nistomitanow akimihci ihkopîwipîsim ka mâcihtâcik okiskinwahamâkanak nôcihtahawipîsim êkota PhD program êkwa pêyak akimihci kisêpîsim ka mâcihtâcik nôcihtahawipîsim Master’s program. kotakwa kîkwaya astîna êkota mahtâwi apacihcikani masinahikêwinihk.

nântaw nikotwâsik mitanow nîyânanosâp PhD okiskinwahamâkanak kâ kîsihtâcik atoskêwak pokwêtî kihcikiskinwahamâtowikamikwa misawîy askihk. mihcêt kâ kîsihtâcik ohi Master’s masinahikana pimipahitâwak kiskinwahamâtowikamikwa. mihcêt kâ kîsihtâcik Master’s ahpo PhD kiskinwahamâkêwina pa pimipayihtawak kiskinwahamatowikamikwa.

okiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicikewikamik ayâwêwak atoskêwîyiniwa ê wîcihtasowiyît îyiniw kiskinwahamâkêwinihk êkwa îyiniw kiskinwahamâkêwin nîkânêwin. nitonikêwin atoskêwin osci anima okiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicikewikamik—the Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit (SELU)—kinwês kî pê wîci atoskawâcik mihcêt îyiniw iskonikana, tribal councils, ekwa tipahamâtowin atoskêwiyiniw Office of the Treaty Commissioner. okiskinwahamâkanak êkwa ka kî atoskatamak okiskinwahamâkêwiniwawa Master’s of Education (atoskêwin kiskinwahamâsowin) pokwêti misawîy askihk ota askihk. okiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicikêwikamik mitoni mîywîhtamok ê mîyo wîciwâkanêcik mihcêt îyiniw iskonikana ota askihk.

mistêhtakwan ôma kiksinwahamâkanak ka kiskêhtahkihk:

  • graduate degree osci okiskinwahamâkêwin pimipayicikewikamik namôya ka kaskihtâwak ka kiskinwahamâkêcik ôts Saskatchewan ahpô Canada. kîspin nohtê kiskinwahamâkêwak, oskiskinwahamâkanak poko ka itotahkik anima Undergraduate Program of the College of Education—ahpo itikwê kâ miywâsiki Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP) ahpô Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Program (SUNTEP).
  • kîspin nohtê  ahkami kiskinwahamâsotwâw okiskinwahamâkanak poko ka kocihtâcik êkota Master’s of Education (masinahikêwin) mâka anima Department’s Graduate Programs Committee ahpo êtikwê ka mêskocipitamok masinahikana okiskinwahamâkanak ka pakitinêhcik ka kiskinwahamâkosicik Master’s of Education (kiskinwahamâsowin atoskêwin). kîsihtâtwâw masinahikêwin kiskinwahamâsowina, okiskinwahamâkanak kâwi ka ki kiskinwahamâsowak masinahikêwin okiskinwahamâsowin.
  • okiskinwahamâkanak nitawêhtamok nîso askîy okiskinwahamâsowin ka kîsihtâcik Master’s Degree, PhD okiskinwahamâkanak nitawêhtamok nîyânan askîy ka kiskinwahamâsocik. 
  • okiskinwahamâkanak ê nitawêmihcik ka wâwêcihtâsocik êkwa ka wâwêcîwâkanêcik kotakwa okiskinwahamâkana êkwa okiskinwahamâkêwa. 
  • poko mahtâwi apacihcikan ka apacihtahk kîspin nohtê kiskinwahamâwak okiskinwahamâkanak.
  • okiskinwahamâkanak poko ka kîsihtâcik kahkîyaw ka nawasônahkik kiskinwahamâsowina iskohk kîsihtâtwâw kiskinwahamâsowin.
  • tamayikohk êtakihtêki kiskinwahamâsowina ôta kamiskâtêwa mahtâwi apacihcikan masinahikan êkwa poko ka kîsi tipahikatêki kiskinwahamâtowina âti kîsipayiki pîsimwa.
  • okiskinwahamâkanak kîspin wî wîcihawak ka kiskinwahamâkosicik poko ka ayâcik ôma masinahikan ka masinahikâtek êkwa ka itisahamihk êkota sôniyaw ka tasihkowiht.
  • kîspin ki ayân kîkway ê nohte kwêcihkwêmiyin, kwêcimihk opimipahicikîyiniw Dr. Paul Newton akayâsiyimô masinahatamowihk.


 萨斯喀彻温大学 位于 加拿大萨斯卡通市 的南萨斯喀彻温河岸。教育管理系成立于1964年,现拥有10名教职人员,提供大学最大规模的研究生课程。2012年,一个国际项目审查委员会认定教育管理系的研究生课程在学术严谨性,博学性和成就方面,与英国伦敦大学,剑桥大学的同类型课程完全一致。

教育管理系的研究生课程专为学校教师、校长、教育委员会的行政人员和高级职员、大学行政人员和教育部官员而设置​。本系的教学、科研和专业核心领域 包括组织理论研究、学校管理理论与实践、领导学理论、原住民教育管理、跨文化和国际教育管理、教育财政、教育法和教育研究方法论。所有课程以英文授课。

教育管理系向国际留学生提供三种研究生学位课程:教育硕士(授课型),教育硕士(论文型)和哲学博士(论文型)。三种学位课程均于每年九月开学。入 读哲学博士课程的申请必须于每年11月30日前递交,以确保翌年的九月份能入读课程;入读硕士课程的申请必须于每年1月1日前递交,以确保同年九月份能入 读课程。其他重要详情请参阅 本系的英文网站 。



  • 取得教育系的研究生学位并不等同于取得萨斯喀彻温省或加拿大的教师资格证。
  • 所有申请者都可以申请入读教育硕士(论文型),但本系的研究生招生委员会可能会将该类型申请者调整为教育硕士(授课型)。在学习几门课程并取得优异成绩后,学生可以申请转为论文型的研究学习。
  • 一般情况下,完成一个硕士学位,学生需要两年的全职学习;完成一个哲学博士学位则需要五年的全职学习。
  • 学习之余,我们鼓励国际留学生参与本系的活动,同时,学生亦应努力用英文与教授及同学交流。在我们的课程里,英文能力弱的学生将会难以跟上课程进度。
  • 国际留学生必须完成英文水平考试。我们只接受英文水平达到录取标准的学生,具体英文能力标准请参阅 此网页 。雅思要求为6.5。
  • 达到入学英文要求的国际留学生,在入读研究生课程后,将可能被要求提高自身的英文水平。 萨斯喀彻温大学提供专为国际留学生提升英文能力而设计的英文课程。
  • 申请加拿大学生签证可能需要几个月的时间。若已录取学生无法成功获取学生签证,将不被允许以学生身份进入加拿大。
  • 萨斯喀彻温大学和天津师范大学有研究生衔接课程。在入读萨斯喀彻温大学前,天津师范大学研究生院的学生可以在中国完成部分课程。
    • 天津师范大学的学生:
      • 第一阶段的部分课程在学生学习的第一年由天津师大教师在天津师大教授。
      • 在天津师大教授的课程不超过三门(或9学分单位的课程),这些课程记入萨大课程修读类教育学硕士项目所需的课程中。
      • 天津师大在项目第一年所教授课程包括(其学分可以转入到萨大):实用科研方法论、中外课程设置与教学比较研究及跨学科、跨专业课程设置研究。
      • 在第二阶段的课程由萨大教师在萨大教授,为期一年,包括秋季、冬季和春/夏季学期。
      • 任何一方的课程描述若有变更,需将修改后的描述以书面形式交给另一方,由另一方审查后决定新修改的课程是否需要及如何应用到现行的学位项目中。
  • 如有任何问题,请发英文电子邮件至 系主任 大卫· 伯吉斯 博士 联络。


与大多数大学一样,萨斯喀彻温大学的学术项目分为本科生课程和研究生课程。本科生需要3至4年完成其全部课程并取得学士学位。本校颁发的学士学位种 类包括:工学学士学位,文科学士学位,理学学士学位,教育学学士学位,医学学士学位和法学学士学位。达到学位项目目标后,学生获得从事相应职业或继续深造 的基本资格。学生在修读一些特定的本科课程之前,须完成另一个本科学位,才可以进入该特定的本科课程学习。我们将这些特定的本科课程称作“学士后”项目 (after-degree).



一般而言,本科生和研究生完成课程后,即可获得相应学分。学生获得规定的学分总数后,即可完成学位项目。“整学年课程”需要学生学习两个学期,学生 完成“整学年课程”学习后获得6个学分。“半学年课程”需要学生学习一个学期,完成后获得3个学分。完成学位项目所需的学分总数因项目而异。在教育管理 系,授课型(coursed-based)硕士项目学生需要完成30学分的必修课和选修课。论文型(thesis-based)硕士项目学生则需要完成 21学分的必修课和选修课,另须完成论文撰写及答辩。博士项目学生需要完成18个学分的必修课和选修课,另须完成论文撰写及答辩。


在萨斯喀彻温大学,课程有课程名称、目录说明(提要)、系别缩写(通常为四个字母的首字母缩写,用于识别开设课程的系别;比如EADM表示“教育管 理”,ERES表示“教育研究”)和课程编号。课程编号表示学习级别:100至400级别的课程面向本科生,500级别的课程面向研究生证书班(介于本科 生项目和研究生项目之间—教育管理系目前没有)的学生,800至900级别的课程面向研究生。

Sobre o Departamento de Administração Educacional da Universidade de Saskatchewan

A Universidade de Saskatchewan está localizada às margens ao sul do rio Saskatchewan na cidade de Saskatoon, no Canadá. O Departamento de Administração Educacional se estabeleceu em 1964, tem atualmente 10 membros do corpo docente, e oferece o maior programa de pós-graduação na Universidade de Saskatchewan. Em 2012, um Comitê Internacional de Avaliação de Programas constatou que os programas de pós-graduação do Departamento de Administração Educacional eram semelhantes aos programas das Universidade de Londres e Universidade de Cambridge em termos de rigor, bolsa de estudos e sucesso.

O Departamento de programas de pós-graduação da Administração Educacional são planejados por professores, diretores de escolas, administradores do distrito escolar e funcionários, administradores universitários e funcionários do Ministério da Educação. Áreas-chaves do departamento de ensino, pesquisa e especialização incluem teoria organizacional, teoria e prática de administração escolar, teoria da liderança, administração da educação aborígene, administração de educação intercultural e internacional, financiamento educacional, legislação educacional e métodos de investigação educacional. Toda a programação é ministrada em Inglês.

O Departamento de Administração Educacional oferece três programas de pós-graduação para estudantes internacionais: Mestrado em Educação  (curso baseado em trabalhos), Mestrado em Educação (tese) e Doutorado em Filosofia (tese). Os três programas começam todo ano em Setembro. As inscrições para o programa de PhD devem ser recebidas antes do dia 30 de Novembro e o curso tem início em Setembro. Para o programa de Mestrado as inscrições devem ser recebidas antes do dia 01 de Janeiro e o curso tem início em Setembro também. Detalhes adicionais importantes estão disponíveis nas páginas do website do Departamento de língua Inglêsa.

Sessenta e cinco por cento dos nossos alunos de doutorado são empregados em universidades e faculdades canadenses e internacionais. A maioria dos graduados do nosso Mestrado são empregados como diretores de escola e vice-diretores. Muitos outros alunos do nosso curso de mestrado e doutorados escolheram carreiras como administradores seniors de organizações educacionais.

As seguintes informações são importantes para que os estudantes internacionais possam entender melhor o programa:

  • O diploma do Departamento de Administração Educacional não dá direito a licenciatura de professor na província de Saskatchewan ou do Canadá.
  • Todos os alunos em potencial podem se matricular para entrar no Mestrado de Educação (tese), mas a Comissão de Programas de Pós-Graduação do Departamento pode revisar a matrícula para que os alunos sejam admitidos no Mestrado em Educação (curso baseado em trabalhos). Após várias matérias bem sucedidas os alunos podem solicitar a transferência para o programa-tese.
  • Normalmente são exigidos dos estudantes dois anos de estudo em tempo integral para completar um mestrado. Alunos de doutoramento muitas vezes necessitam cinco anos de estudo em tempo integral.
  • Os estudantes internacionais são incentivados a participar de atividades extras departamentais, além das aulas normais e devem fazer um esforço para interagir com colegas e professores de língua Inglêsa. Estudantes que não são bem sucedidos em nossos programas tendem a se sentir solitários.
  • Os estudantes internacionais em potencial deverão completar os testes de proficiência do idioma Inglês. Nós só aceitamos os alunos cuja habilidade na língua seja compatível às normas mostradas nesta página vinculada.
  • Após a admissão no programa de pós-graduação, os estudantes internacionais podem ser solicitados a melhorar suas habilidades na língua Inglêsa além do requisito de admissão. A Universidade de Saskatchewan oferece cursos destinados a estudantes internacionais que necessitem melhorar o seu Inglês.
  • Os vistos canadenses para os estudantes podem levar vários meses para serem processados. O aluno não terá permissão para entrar no Canadá como um estudante a menos que toda a documentação do Visto esteja completa.
  • Se você tiver alguma dúvida, favor entre em contato com o Chefe do Departamento, Dr. Paul Newton por e-mail em Inglês.

Cohort in Leadership in Indigenous Education and Organization

Master's degree cohort

We are accepting applications for the online Leadership in Indigenous Education and Organization cohort to start September 2025. Application deadline is May 1, 2025. To apply, please choose the Masters’ of Educational Administration program for Fall 2025, and then indicate your interest in the cohort in your letter of intent as part of the application.

The Leadership in Indigenous Education and Organizations Cohort provides opportunities for current and aspiring Indigenous educational leaders to enhance expertise in aspects of leadership, governance and management of First Nation schools through enriched practical, research-based and theoretical course offerings relevant to contexts in which Indigenous educational leadership takes place.

Cohort features

  • Cohort model to create a vibrant and culturally affirming learning community and leadership network.
  • Indigenous instructors and curriculum designed and co-taught with community-based Knowledge Keepers and other Indigenous experts.
  • Courses tailored to the cultural, practical and theoretical interests of current and aspiring First Nations school, educational and organizational leaders.
  • Flexible delivery model/blend of face-to-face and online classes.
  • Potential to engage in research and create new knowledge specific to your community.
  • International Study Abroad opportunities: Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, United States, China, Ireland, and Finland.

Specialization topics

  • Educational Leadership in First Nations Schools
  • History of Canadian Indigenous Education
  • First Nations Educational Governance
  • Human Resources Management in First Nations Schools
  • Indigenous Leadership within Interprofessional and cross jurisdictional contexts
  • First Nations School Finance
  • Education and Community Development in First Nations Communities
  • Indigenous informed Research Methods
  • Organizational Theory and Indigenous Educational Contexts
  • Assessment and Data Management for First Nations Schools

Research supervisors

It is not necessary to contact faculty before you apply to this program.

Name Research areas
Native-newcomer Relations, Indigenous Education, International and Comparative Education, Educational Leadership
School Improvement, The Principalship, Leadership, Staff Development
School leadership development, immigrant & minority education, socially empowered learning, monitoring and evaluation of education initiatives
Post-secondary education, leadership, assessment and evaluation, organizational theory, scholarship of teaching and learning
Leadership & followership systems, development of flourishing learning organizations, fostering well-being, good governance & ethical decision making
Educational administration and leadership, rural education and governance, equity issues in education
Comparative and international education, governance and administration in post-secondary education

Tuition and funding


In their applications, students should identify their financial status and state if attendance is contingent on receiving financial aid. The department employs graduate students as marking assistants and a limited number of scholarships, research fellowships and teaching assistantships are available. There is a keen competition for this financial support. Applications for Departmental Scholarships, Research Fellowships and Teaching Assistantships may only be submitted after a student has been admitted.

Graduate students at USask can receive funding from a variety of sources to support their graduate education.


Thesis or project-based master's program

Graduate students in a thesis or project-based program pay tuition three times a year for as long as they are enrolled in their program.

Term Canadian students International students
September 1 - December 31, 2024 $1,726.00 CAD $3,883.50 CAD
January 1 - April 30, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD $3,883.50 CAD
May 1 - August 31, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD $3,883.50 CAD
Total per academic year $5,178.00 CAD $11,650.50 CAD

Course-based master's, certificate or postgraduate diploma program

Students in course-based programs pay tuition for each class they take. Every class is assigned a number of credit units (usually three) which determines their cost. If a student is not enrolled in any classes for a term, they will need to register in a 'Maintenance of Status' class that is assessed tuition equivalent to 3 credit units to stay in their program.

Graduate students in course-based programs registered in any undergraduate classes will be assessed tuition for these classes at the undergraduate rate. International graduate students in these programs registered in undergraduate courses, whether or not the classes are part of their program of study, will also be assessed the undergraduate international differential rate of 4.84.

Canadian students International students
Cost per graduate credit unit $279.10 CAD $627.97 CAD
Maintenance of Status course $837.30 CAD $1,883.92 CAD
Cost per 3 credit unit graduate class $837.30 CAD $1,883.92 CAD

Doctoral program

Doctoral students pay tuition three times a year for as long as they are enrolled in their program. Both international and domestic Ph.D. students pay the same rate.

January 1 - April 30, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD
May 1 - August 31, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD
September 1 - December 31, 2024 $1,726.00 CAD
Total per academic year $5,178.00 CAD

Student fees

In addition to tuition above, students also pay fees for programs like health and dental insurance, a bus pass, and other campus services. The amount you need to pay depends on if you are taking classes full time or part time, and if you are on campus or not. The table below assumes you are on campus full-time.

Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
Student fees $504.45 CAD $666.08 CAD $35.00 CAD $35.00 CAD

Tuition information is accurate for the current academic year and does not include student fees. For detailed tuition and fees information, visit the official tuition website.

Admission requirements

  • Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.
  • A cumulative weighted average of at least a 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (e.g. 60 credit units)
  • A four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized college or university

  • A four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized college or university
  • Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.
  • a cumulative weighted average of at least a 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (e.g. 60 credit units)
  • submission of a statement/letter of intent outlining research interest
  • submission of a writing sample at least six pages in length

  • Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.
  • A master’s degree from a recognized college or university
  • A cumulative weighted average of at least a 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (e.g. 60 credit units)
  • Submission of a statement/letter of intent outlining research interest
  • Submission of a writing sample of at least 10 pages

Application process

Submit an online application

Before beginning your online application, be sure that you have carefully reviewed all program information and admission requirements on this page.

During the application, you'll be asked for:

  • Personal information such as your name, address, etc.
  • Contact information of your three referees
    • For your letters of recommendation, two of your referees must be academic contacts, and the third may be academic or professional
  • Your complete academic history from all previous post-secondary institutions

The application takes about 30 minutes to complete. You may save your application and return to it later.

At the end of the application, you will need to pay a non-refundable $120 application fee. Your application will not be processed until payment is received.

Submit required documents

Once you've submitted your online application, you will have access to upload your required documents, and provide the contact information for your references. To do this, go to the "Supplemental Items & Documents" tab in your application, and upload the documents outlined below.

Preliminary Statement of Marks

  • Once you have submitted your application for admission and paid the application fee, you will be required to upload unofficial PDF copies of your academic transcript(s) from each post-secondary institution attended. This requirement will appear as Preliminary Statement of Marks or Additional Prelim. Statement under admission requirements on your Application Summary when you check your application status.
  • The uploaded transcript can be an unofficial copy of the transcript issued by the university or college, and must include a grading key/legend.
  • All pages of a transcript must be uploaded as a single PDF document.
  • Uploaded transcripts will be considered unofficial or preliminary. Official copies of your transcripts will be required only for applicants offered admission. This requirement will appear as Post-secondary Transcript under admission requirements on your Application Summary when you check your application status.

Uploading documents

Post-secondary Transcripts

If you receive an offer of admission, you will then be required to have your official post-secondary transcripts sent (by mail in a sealed envelope directly from the institution) to the address below. Please do not send official documents until we request them.

College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Room 116 Thorvaldson Building, 110 Science Place 
Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7N 5C9

  • Transcripts usually indicate the institution’s name, grading scheme (typically on back of transcript), your name, course names, numbers, credits, and the grades you have received. Depending on the country or institution, some features may not be available.
  • Transcripts in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified translation.
  • If you are a current University of Saskatchewan student completing your undergraduate program then a letter of completion of degree requirements will be required from your college.

Proof of English language proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.

For students who are required to provide proof of English proficiency:

  • It is your responsibility to have completed an official and approved test with the appropriate score before the application deadline.
  • Tests are valid for 24 months after the testing date and must be valid at the beginning of the student's first term of registration in the graduate program.
  • Applicants will be required to upload a PDF copy of any required language test score. Uploaded test scores will be considered unofficial or preliminary.

Uploading documents

If you receive an Offer of Admission you may be required to have your official language test scores sent to the address below. Please do not send official documents until we request them.

College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Room 116 Thorvaldson Building - 110 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7N 5C9

In addition to the above official documents, please upload the following documents:

Master of Education applicants must also send:
  • MEd Course-based:
    • A curriculum vitae or resume
    • A statement/letter of intent (one to two pages) that includes:
      • Why you are interested in pursuing master's-level studies in the Department of Educational Administration
      • Biography/professional background
      • Future career aspirations
      • Tentative timetable for completion

  • MEd Thesis-based:
    • A curriculum vitae or resume
    • A statement/letter of intent (one to two pages) that includes:
      • Why you are interested in pursuing master's-level studies in the Department of Educational Administration
      • Biography/professional background
      • Future career aspirations
      • Tentative timetable for completion
    • A research statement: a one page explanation of the research problem you intend to investigate

Ph.D. applicants must also send:

  1. A curriculum vitae or resume
  2. A statement/letter of intent (one to two pages) that includes:
    • Why you are interested in pursuing doctoral-level studies in the Department of Educational Administration
    • Biography/professional background
    • Future career aspirations
    • Tentative timetable for completion

  3. Research statement: In fewer than 800 words, a research statement describing your academic interests in the study of the administration or leadership of schools, educational programming, or educational systems. Your statement might include the following:
    • an explanation of the research problem you intend to investigate;
    • an explanation of how your prospective doctoral research relates to your master's-level research OR an explanation of your motivation for pursuing the intended research (from where does your prospective doctoral research topic/question come?);
    • an explanation of why the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Saskatchewan is suitable for pursuing your research interests

  4. A writing sample (thesis abstract, publication or paper)


Department of Educational Administration
College of Education
28 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X1

Graduate Chair
Dr. Jing Xiao

Graduate Administrator
Katrina Hutchence