
The Health Sciences Graduate Program offers one formal intake start date for the program, which coincides with the major scholarship and award deadlines for the College of Medicine:

Fall acceptance (September start)

Deadline to apply:

  • International students – January 15
  • Canadian students – January 15
Out of cycle applicants

Students who have missed the formal intake, or those who wish to start in the December or May sessions, may apply as out of cycle applicants. Students are encouraged to utilize the formal intake session to maximize funding opportunities. Out of cycle applicants must follow a unique application process initiated by their College of Medicine proposed supervisor.

  • Three months prior to start date: proposed supervisor must contact OVDR office to notify the program of an out of cycle applicant
  • Two months prior to start date: applicants must have all admission documentation submitted for processing
  • Approximately one month prior to start date: notify applicants of admission status


International Students - Review federal international study permit policies before you apply. We do not anticipate that the implementation of the PAL process will limit graduate enrollment at USask.

ProgramExpected LengthProject and/or thesisCourse based
M.Sc.2 years
Ph.D.4 years

The MSc and PhD programs in Health Sciences are thesis-based graduate programs for graduate students performing intensive research within the College of Medicine. Research projects primarily investigate translational and/or clinical aspects of human disease, health, healthy living, and/or translational research but may also include more biomedical research projects with clinical translation.

Areas of research are open and dependent on the research interests and expertise of the student and their research supervisor. These programs offer relevant, centrally managed programs that provide research skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary for any life and health science graduate regardless of the nature of the research project.

Research supervisors

Prior to beginning an online application, applicants must secure a College of Medicine faculty supervisor in their area of research interest. Students are required to contact University of Saskatchewan faculty with research interests similar to their own to discuss the possibility of being a student under their guidance and supervision. Student applicants may email faculty with research information. Interested faculty will return the email if there are any openings for new students. The University of Saskatchewan faculty advisor must have funding for the student’s proposed project. A list of faculty members is available online, as are additional tips for finding and contacting a supervisor.

Please note that supervisors within the College of Medicine may choose not accept students who qualify with the minimum entrance requirements. The applicants to all College of Medicine awards, and many external awards, must have and maintain an 80% average. This may influence a potential supervisor’s decision in accepting new students. Funding, and the ability to apply for additional funding, is an essential part of any graduate program.

Tuition and funding


The University of Saskatchewan faculty supervisor must have funding for the student's proposed project. Supervisors must commit to a minimum stipend of $18,000 per year for two years for MSc applicants and $20,000 per year for three years for PhD applicants.

The department employs graduate students as marking assistants and a limited number of scholarships, research fellowships and teaching assistantships are available. There is a keen competition for this financial support. Applications for departmental scholarships, Research Fellowships and Teaching Assistantships may only be submitted after a student has been admitted.

Graduate students at USask can receive funding from a variety of sources to support their graduate education.


Thesis or project-based master's program

Graduate students in a thesis or project-based program pay tuition three times a year for as long as they are enrolled in their program.

Term Canadian students International students
September 1 - December 31, 2024 $1,726.00 CAD $3,883.50 CAD
January 1 - April 30, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD $3,883.50 CAD
May 1 - August 31, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD $3,883.50 CAD
Total per academic year $5,178.00 CAD $11,650.50 CAD

Doctoral program

Doctoral students pay tuition three times a year for as long as they are enrolled in their program. Both international and domestic Ph.D. students pay the same rate.

January 1 - April 30, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD
May 1 - August 31, 2025 $1,726.00 CAD
September 1 - December 31, 2024 $1,726.00 CAD
Total per academic year $5,178.00 CAD

Student fees

In addition to tuition above, students also pay fees for programs like health and dental insurance, a bus pass, and other campus services. The amount you need to pay depends on if you are taking classes full time or part time, and if you are on campus or not. The table below assumes you are on campus full-time.

Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
Student fees $504.45 CAD $666.08 CAD $35.00 CAD $35.00 CAD

Tuition information is accurate for the current academic year and does not include student fees. For detailed tuition and fees information, visit the official tuition website.

Admission requirements

  • Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.
  • a cumulative weighted average of at least a 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (i.e. 60 credit units)
  • a four-year honours degree, or equivalent, from a recognized college or university in an academic discipline relevant to the proposed field of study

  • Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.
  • Master’s degree, or equivalent, from a recognized university in a relevant academic discipline
  • a cumulative weighted average of at least a 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (i.e. coursework required in master’s program)
  • Demonstrated ability for independent thought, advanced study, and research

With the recommendation of the unit, direct entry PhD admission is available to exceptionally strong students, who show great promise in terms of academic accomplishments and potential for research.

  • A four-year honours bachelor degree, or a professional degree, or equivalent, in a relevant field of study.
  • A cumulative weighted average of at least 80% in the last two years of undergraduate study (i.e. 60 credit units of course work).
  • Demonstrated ability for independent thought, advanced study, and independent research.
  • Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.

Application process

Find a supervisor

Prior to beginning an online application, applicants must secure a College of Medicine faculty Supervisor in their area of research interest.

Submit an online application

Before beginning your online application, be sure that you have carefully reviewed all program information and admission requirements on this page.

During the application, you'll be asked for:

  • Personal information such as your name, address, etc.
  • Contact information of your three referees
    • For your letters of recommendation, two of your referees must be academic contacts, and the third may be academic or professional
    • Letters of recommendation cannot be from the proposed supervisor
  • Your complete academic history from all previous post-secondary institutions

The application takes about 30 minutes to complete. You may save your application and return to it later.

At the end of the application, you will need to pay a non-refundable $120 application fee. Your application will not be processed until payment is received.

Submit required documents

Once you've submitted your online application, you will have access to upload your required documents, and provide the contact information for your references. To do this, go to the "Supplemental Items & Documents" tab in your application, and upload the documents outlined below.

Preliminary Statement of Marks

  • Once you have submitted your application for admission and paid the application fee, you will be required to upload unofficial PDF copies of your academic transcript(s) from each post-secondary institution attended. This requirement will appear as Preliminary Statement of Marks or Additional Prelim. Statement under admission requirements on your Application Summary when you check your application status.
  • The uploaded transcript can be an unofficial copy of the transcript issued by the university or college, and must include a grading key/legend.
  • All pages of a transcript must be uploaded as a single PDF document.
  • Uploaded transcripts will be considered unofficial or preliminary. Official copies of your transcripts will be required only for applicants offered admission. This requirement will appear as Post-secondary Transcript under admission requirements on your Application Summary when you check your application status.

Uploading documents

Post-secondary Transcripts

If you receive an offer of admission, you will then be required to have your official post-secondary transcripts sent (by mail in a sealed envelope directly from the institution) to the address below. Please do not send official documents until we request them.

College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Room 116 Thorvaldson Building, 110 Science Place 
Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7N 5C9

  • Transcripts usually indicate the institution’s name, grading scheme (typically on back of transcript), your name, course names, numbers, credits, and the grades you have received. Depending on the country or institution, some features may not be available.
  • Transcripts in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified translation.
  • If you are a current University of Saskatchewan student completing your undergraduate program then a letter of completion of degree requirements will be required from your college.

Proof of English language proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.

For students who are required to provide proof of English proficiency:

  • It is your responsibility to have completed an official and approved test with the appropriate score before the application deadline.
  • Tests are valid for 24 months after the testing date and must be valid at the beginning of the student's first term of registration in the graduate program.
  • Applicants will be required to upload a PDF copy of any required language test score. Uploaded test scores will be considered unofficial or preliminary.

Uploading documents

If you receive an Offer of Admission you may be required to have your official language test scores sent to the address below. Please do not send official documents until we request them.

College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Room 116 Thorvaldson Building - 110 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7N 5C9

In addition to the above official documents, please upload the following documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae or resume

  2. Statement/letter of intent
    • A brief essay (approximately one to two pages) outlining research interests, academic goals, and reasons for pursuing the Health Sciences Graduate Program

The student’s supervisor is also expected to submit the following documentation directly to the OVDR for the pending application. These documents will be uploaded by the Graduate Program Coordinator.

  1. Supervisor's curriculum vitae or resume

    • The supervisor curriculum vitae or resume may be submitted in any format. It must contain an overview of the past supervisory experience and indicate that the appropriate College of Graduate and Postdoctoral studies appointment has been acquired.

  2. Supervisor or Department support letter
    • This letter must outline the justification for accepting the proposed student, and provide a list of the faculty members that will act as the student’s research advisory committee (RAC). More details regarding the appropriate structure of the RAC are available from the OVDR.

  3. Supervisor statement of financial support
    • Please fill out the Statement of Financial Commitment.
    • This statement is a form which outlines the source for the project funding, and provides information regarding the student’s financial support. Signatures from both the student and supervisor are required. Any inquiries regarding the format for this submission should be directed to the coordinator.
    • It is the expectation that all students enrolled in a full time research program will receive a stipend from their supervisor. All exceptions must be submitted to the coordinator, where they will be forwarded to the Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies to review prior to entering the admissions process.

Any questions regarding application documentation should be directed to us via email.


Health Sciences Program
College of Medicine
Office: 2D01 Health Sciences Building
Mail: Box 19 Health Sciences Building
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5

Graduate Program Coordinator

Graduate Chair
Steve Milosavljevic