Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies (CFBSJS) Graduate Student Research Awards

Value: Up to $6,000
Eligibility: This award is designed to assist graduate students whose research will require financial resources over and above what is routinely available from within one’s own department or college. Funds may be used to cover direct research costs, such as expenses related to research participant recruitment, ethics-approved honorariums or gifts, equipment and supplies, special software, research assistants for activities directly related to the research, e.g. data collection, data coding (only if the database is extraordinarily large or involved and only up to a maximum of 50% of the coding activity), and research-related travel (conference travel is not an eligible expense). Proposed expenses that do not fall into any of the above categories must be approved by the student’s home Department or College in accordance with its own policy or practice.
Apply: To apply submit by email to
  1. a brief overview of the nature of the research (2 to 5 pages).
  2. a letter of support from the academic supervisor.
  3. a proposed budget for the research, a statement of request specifying the amount of financial resources that are being requested (for future expenses only), and a disclosure about any other potential or existing sources of funding. If a portion of the budget includes paying someone other than the researcher for services (e.g. transcription, data collection, coding, etc.) it must be made clear how the researcher will complete at least 50% of the associated work themselves.
  4. a projected timeframe in which the research will be completed.
  5. If required, a copy of the ethics application and Research Ethics Board approval (required before funding is released).
Deadline: October 31 and April 30 annually