Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

Dr. Frederick Mechner Barnard Scholarship

Value: Varies
Number offered: 1 or more
Eligibility: Purpose: To commemorate the scholarly distinction of Professor Dr. Frederick Mechner Barnard by supporting the work of students in the fields of the history of political thought and contemporary political philosophy.

Open to graduate students and senior undergraduate students in the Department of Political Studies who have performed with distinction in studies of political theory.

Priority will be given to graduate students studying political theory. Should no graduate student be eligible, the award will be opened to senior undergraduate students in the Department of Political Studies who have performed with distinction in studies of political theory.

The scholarship awards will always be made on the sole basis of academic merit.

No application. Graduate students who meet the requirements will automatically be considered. For more information, contact Student Awards with the Administration Support Group in the College of Arts & Science at