Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

Wolfe Family Graduate Student Scholarships


One award of approx. $3,000 with a possibility of renewal. Value subject to change. 

Eligibility: This award is to recognize academic excellence, human compassion, and participation in sports and/or athletics of graduate students entering or continuing a Master’s or Ph.D. degree program at the University of Saskatchewan.

Student who are not registered in their graduate program at the time of application or when taking up the award are not eligible. As well, students in the third year of their Master’s program or the fifth year of their Ph.D. program are not eligible to renew or apply for this award.

Preference will be given to students in the Fine Arts and/or Humanities.

To be eligible, the applicant must:
  • be entering or continuing a Master’s or Ph.D. program at the University of Saskatchewan
  • be full-time and have a minimum graduate point average of 80%
First preference will be given to candidates who have
  • devoted an average of 2 hours weekly over 40 weeks for the past year to a compassionate activity or activities, including but not limited to assistance to or visiting of isolated aged, weak, infirm, or handicapped persons in their homes or community residence; or tutorial assistance to socially disadvantages or physically handicapped children; or community service (applicant must provide two testimonials to this effect); and,
  • devoted an average of 2 hours weekly over 40 weeks for the past year to participation in individual or team sports/or physical activities (applicant must provide two testimonials to this effect).
Second preference will be given to candidates who have devoted time to both compassionate activities and sports/physical activities but have not met the target of an average of 2 hours weekly over 40 weeks in the previous year (applicant must provide two testimonials to this effect for both compassion and sports/physical activities).

The donors, the Wolfe family, established this scholarship to promote and recognize graduate academic excellence, human compassion, and participation in sports and/or athletics.


Application process

Apply online.The followoing documents are required for this competition:

  • Two letters that can testify to your compassionate activities
  • Two letters that can testify to your individual/team sports and/or physical activities
  • Your up-to-date CV
  • Your unofficial USask transcripts

A letter of support from your supervisor or Graduate Chair is required. This letter can be sent to

If you have any questions, please contact

Deadline: The call for applications is distributed every fall.

2024 deadline - Monday, October 21, 2024