Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

Sally Purdon Memorial Award in Physical Therapy

Value: $1,000
Number offered: 1
Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student who has completed the first year of the Master of Physical Therapy (M.P.T.) program who has an average of at least 75% in the Neuroscience courses available in the first year of the program. Selection will be made on the basis of financial need as outlined in the Financial Need Assessment for Awards Policy.
Donor: This award is sponsored by the family and friends of the late Sally Purdon, class of 1972, in recognition of her contributions to neurological clinical practice and to recognize academic proficiency and provide financial assistance to students in the School of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Saskatchewan.

In order to be considered for this award, you must submit the online Financial Need Calculator. Using your NSID and password, log in to PAWS and select the Scholarships and Bursaries channel: Financial Need Calculator to submit your financial information no later than September 1st.

For more information on eligibility requirements contact the School of Rehabilitation Science.