Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

R. Jan F. Smith Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate student in the Department of Biology who has demonstrated excellence in biology courses and research. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide funds to be used to offset expenses arising from research and/or provide assistance for graduate students within the department to attend conferences related to their area of study. The letter of application should include the intended use of the funds, which are awarded as a reimbursement following completion of the research activity.

All students entering or continuing graduate studies and research within the Department of Biology are eligible for the scholarship. Students must demonstrate a minimum academic average of 80% in biology courses and an overall minimum academic average of 75% and/or demonstrate excellence in biology research. Refereed publications, conference presentations and letters of recommendation will be used to judge excellence in research.
Apply: Electronically submit a letter of application, a complete transcript of university records and curriculum vitae to the address given below.

Chair, Graduate Student Awards Committee
Department of Biology
University of Saskatchewan
112 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N5E2
Deadline: February 27