Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

T. C. Vanterpool Memorial Prize

Eligibility: The T.C. Vanterpool Memorial Travel Award is normally awarded annually by the Department of Biology for meritorious performance in plant pathology or mycology. It is presented to a graduate student registered at the University of Saskatchewan to assist in travel to a national or international scientific meeting. The student must present a paper or poster at the meeting and the meeting must be scheduled before September 15 of the year after the award. Although payment to the winner may be made as a travel advance, full accounting of the travel claim afterwards is required.

Meritorious performance in the previous year will be judged on the basis of criteria such as:
  • a thesis presented to the College of Graduate Studies and Research;
  • a departmental seminar;
  • one or more papers published or accepted by a refereed journal;
  • one or more papers presented at a national or international scientific meeting;
  • academic standing in senior undergraduate or graduate classes;
  • combinations of the above.
Apply: Each year the Department of Biology sends an invitation to departments with graduate students working in plant pathology or mycology. Graduate students may apply for the Vanterpool Award by writing a summary (maximum 1 page) of their research and its significance to their field. The application should also include a letter describing the benefit the student will derive by attending the meeting. The student’s supervisor must also write a letter of recommendation for the student. All these items must be submitted to the Department of Biology by the announced deadline date. Meritorious performance will be judged on the basis of the application and recommendation letter as well as criteria such as: a completed thesis; a departmental seminar; one or more papers published or accepted by a refereed journal; academic standing in senior undergraduate or graduate courses; outstanding performance in research work attested to by the supervisor; combinations of the above.

Each year the winner will be chosen by a committee of the Department of Biology consisting of the chairperson of the Graduate Studies Awards Committee and two other members, preferably one of whom shall be a mycologist or plant pathologist. The award will consist of a framed certificate and a cheque drawn from accrued interest in the memorial fund. If in any year no award is made, the year’s income less the University’s administrative fee shall be added to the capital in the fund. In the event that sufficient income has been accrued in a year, more than one Vanterpool Award may be made. No student may receive the Vanterpool Award more than twice.

Application Procedure: Submit a complete GSA application package to:
Chair, Graduate Student Awards Committee
Department of Biology
University of Saskatchewan
112 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2
Deadline: February 27