Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

Arthur Smyth Memorial Scholarships

Eligibility: Deadline is determined by the College of Medicine.
The College of Medicine Research Committee may, at its May meeting, award up to four Arthur Smyth Memorial Scholarships. The level of these awards will be determined annually by the Dean of Medicine's Office. The awards will be based upon a review of each candidate's previous academic performance and an assessment of the letters of reference submitted in support of the candidate's application. Candidates must also meet the following criteria:
  • Top priority will be given to candidates who are in their final year of their Doctoral Program. The next priority will be those candidates who are in their final year of a Master's Program.
  • This award may not be held concurrently with any other scholarship or award for the major part of the academic year in which this award takes place.
  • The candidate must be a resident at the University of Saskatchewan .
  • The candidate's supervisor must have an established research program in operation.
  • A candidate may receive this award only once.
  • At the time of taking up the award, the candidate must be registered with the College of Graduate Studies in a Master's or Doctoral degree program in a Department of the College of Medicine.
  • Tenable in the Departments of the College of Medicine. The scholarships are not tenable for more than one year.
Donor: The late Mrs. Ida L. E. Smyth
Apply: Application should include a full curriculum vitae and academic transcripts, a recommendation from the student's sponsor, a statement of acceptance by Graduate Studies and Research, and letters of recommendation. Please forward 10 copies plus the original to the Dean of Medicine's Office - Rm B103 Health Sciences Building. Further details (such as deadlines) of these scholarships also may be obtained from the College of Medicine at the number given below or visit the website at

College of Medicine
Health Sciences Bldg
107 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5
Phone: 306-966-8119