Award search

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or administrator for details.

George Baxter Doctoral Studies Awards

Eligibility: This award is given in recognition of the contributions of George Baxter to both teaching and the professional practice of accounting.

Recommendation of the awardees for the George Baxter Doctoral Studies Award will be made by the Department of Accounting, College of Commerce on an annual basis. Selection will be made by the Board of Trustees of the George Baxter Memorial fund for the Advancement of Accounting Education.

Selection of the awardees will be based on the following criteria:
  1. Individual should be entering a reputable Accounting doctoral program as determined by the Department of Accounting, College of Commerce, University of Saskatchewan, or registered as a full-time student in the second year of an Accounting doctoral program;
  2. Individual should not have received the George Baxter Doctoral Studies Award previously;
  3. Individual is a graduate of the Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc) or the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Accounting from the University of Saskatchewan;
  4. Individual has graduated from either of these programs in the last five years with an average in excess of 75% (or equivalent);
  5. Individual should not have received any other forms of financial support in excess of $35,000 per year (either U.S. or Canadian dollars depending upon where the student will be pursuing their doctoral studies).
Apply: The Department of Accounting, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan, must formally recommend candidates for consideration of the award. The applications must be accompanied by the following required documents:
  • Proof of acceptance into a reputable Accounting doctoral program;
  • Proof of completion of the MPAcc or M.Sc. Degree along with transcripts;
  • Copies of letters showing other forms of doctoral support received by the applicant (if any).

All applications must be addressed to the Baxter Memorial Fund Board of Trustees, and must be sent to the attention of the Dean, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan. The deadline for applications will be May 31st of every year.

Edwards School of Business
25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A7
Phone : 306-966-4785
Fax : 306-966-5408
Deadline: May 31